The campus library is full of interesting charcters. And of few of those characters have crossed my path during my research time.
As the semester goes on, I find myself spending quality time with the microfilm machines. To get the mircofishe, you must go to the circulation desk. Apparently the library staff believes people want to steal hundreds of spools of microfishe because they keep it locked up in a separate room in the back section of the circulation area. Come on, people don't want to steal rolls of old newspapers.
So anyway, I am in the library, and there are two library workers behind the counter. The head guy and a little nice girl, who helps me out quite often. I have seen the guy before on many occasions. This guy is much different than the I'm-not-sure-if-he's-married guy at Starbucks. The library guy wears a sa-weet dragon pendant on a thick chain. I'm pretty sure he rocks a chunky ring and a braclet to match. Keep in mind this is NOT a blingy chain or dragon, and that the guy is white.
Now I'm not saying this is a bad thing. To each his own. I'm sure I wear stuff that make people think "what was she thinking?" But this guy takes the cake every time. Some days I don't notice the dragon as often as other days. Yesterday was another story.
Library guy, let's call him Tom, was in rare form. Usually Tom is pretty standoffish. You know the silent type. The girl who was working with him recognized me from Sunday...because I was the girl who broke all the microfilm readers on the same day...within a 2-hour time frame.
She strikes up some friendly conversation while I tell her what mircofishe I will need to look over. As she goes to the back room to get the microfishe, she makes a joke about how I broke all the readers on Sunday.
Library Tom decided he would try his hand at small-talk. He looked up at me with his dragon pendant hanging proudly from his neck and said, "You're the one who broke all the printers?" I said, "Yes, I did. Sorry about that. I didn't mean to, but now I know how to fix it." I smiled, trying to lighten the mood. He wasn't having it.
He said, "Oh no, my poor babies!" I was like, "What?" He said, " I just mean they [the microfilm readers] are like my babies. I would be so upset if something happened to them."
And there I stood, dumbfounded, while he acted hurt that an archiac piece of machinery ALMOST broke. Really? Come on. I was amazed. And then he got up to make me fill out a form for my mircofishe, and the dragon pendant caught my eye.
It took all I had not to bust out laughing. I got so tickled, almost as tickled as I was the first time I realized the dragon on the chain. It's not something you don't notice. Dragon is wild and out with a curvy body covered in metallic scales and red rhinestone eyes. Sent me over the edge. I had to get away.
I know it was rude and conduct unbecoming of a lady, but I just couldn't help myself. I was overcome with laughter. Now take this with a grain of salt. I really could care less if Library Tom rocked the dragon pendant or not. I just had to share the story with you. It is hard to explain the sheer awkwardness of Library Tom and the dragon necklace. Stop by the library and catch a glimpse if you can. Totally worth it.
Until next time...
Things I’m Loving Friday #542
1 day ago
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